e-mail: KKuwahara@bcahq.org
e-mail: rev.sokugan@gmail.com
For messages to the temple, please use the 'Contact' tab.
My name is Junko Nakagawa I’m in the center of the photo with my Dharma friends from Japan. I am the current Buddhist Temple of Marin board of directors President. The Sangha and I welcome you to join us to study Dharma...a time of reflection, self-examination and gratitude.
I am a third generation member with my grandfather being one of the founding members of the BTM. It has been so wonderful growing up around such a kind and caring group and I have so many wonderful memories of Dharma plays and Obon Festivals.
Growing up, my family was always involved in the Seattle Betsuin. When our kids began school in the early 2000’s, my wife and I started attending the Buddhist Temple of Marin. I currently serve as co-recording secretary.
I have been attending the Buddhist Temple of Marin since I was a child because my dad was one of the founding members. I stopped attending after high school and restarted attending when my kids were in elementary school to learn about Buddhism.
I grew up in San Jose as a Buddhist and moved to Marin in the early 90’s where I joined the Buddhist Temple of Marin. As co-auditor I aim to support our temple in the finance department by counting all the eggs.
I was drawn to Buddhism after attending an educational seminar given by the Buddhist Temple of Marin in the early 1990’s. I was married in the BTM and my children considered the temple as their second home while growing up. I am happy to serve on the board as auditor and offer support to the temple.
Following a trip to Japan with a martial arts group in the early 1980s, my mother and I joined the Buddhist Temple of Marin where we were able to participate in various services, activities, events and retreats. BTM continues to serve as a positive and grounding influence in my family’s life.
I have been, or considered myself to be, Buddhist most of my adult life. I joined the Buddhist Temple of Marin in 1985, after my first trip to Asia, where I got to see what it is like to live where being Buddhist is normal. The BTM has been very good to me and to my husband and children.
A warm thanks to Herbert Paskett, for the creation and donation of the beautiful mahogany table which now sits proudly at the entrance to temple. Thank You Herbert!
Odori Teacher - Chiz Shiro
Greeter - Cynthia Yamoto
Video Production - Kevin Yoza, BCSF
Publicity and Digital Outreach -
Newsletter by Nancy Okumura-Foley
Website by Chelsea Arita, BCSF